Fresh ClassList Broken
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29 Replies
This is a basic recreation of my problem.
This problem lost me 5 hours with no progress.
This is worse because now I can't finish a project I needed to complete.
Can you specify what your error is including stack trace and detailing what you were doing when things went awry?
You need a ref. It's React/Preact, not jQuery. There's eggs & chicken
@cdoremus @king8fisher ???
There is an island.
It changes the classlist.
But the classlist does not change.
I can't find anything about it in the docs.
The green div should be red but it is not.
No error or anything.
It is a weird problem.
Refs – Preact Tutorial
As we learned in the first chapter, the DOM provides an imperative API, which lets us make changes by calling functions on elements. One example where we might need to access the imperative DOM API fr
I'm taking my words back. Check if class is defined
It works in Tailwind but Twind may discover classes differently.
Green-div or Red-div is based on a LocalStorage value! And yet, I've seen nowhere that a LocalStorage value is being set in the Browser context (an Island). LocalStorage in Deno != LocalStorage in a Browser!
I thought the problem is in
indeed exists in Deno runtime separate from the browser which is cool
(would require node-localstorage in pure Node, I think)But he can't examine a Deno LS in an Island. He gets the Browsers LS which is empty.
Which part are you touching on, @Dun?
If you look at the project he linked, It has nothing todo with the problem he describes!
Looks like an unchanged fresh init project.
I'm sorry! He changed the problem, example he was describing in
I think they are minimizing the issue, reproducing it in
, there's no localStorage involved. It basically works, it's just the classes that don't show up.
As far as I understoodYou're right. I'll but out. Good luck.
@Dun This does not run on the browser?
Anyways, my problem is not to do with my code.
The code works, if run from a onclick="...".
But otherwise, it kind of reverts the changes.
It is weird.
I haven't looked at the repo, but from the code, I see a potential issue with removing the class of
. They are using what is called arbitrary value in Tailwind land. But in JS, those square brackets may need to be escaped.
That probably won't work.
That would both be a different class name, and not allowed because you can leave a useless non-backslashed backlash in your code.
So it would probably error.
Also, I found the fix.
You need to add the function call is a useeffect function.
I learnt that from lucky testing, it definetly was not clear.
your implementation is kinda nonstandard btw, so that could be why you had trouble
Why is it non-standard?
again, still not sure what the main issue is
but generally we don't use document.getbyid or classlist.add/remove
Why not classlist.add/remove?
There is no other good way of doing this.
Member above is sus.
Has a New discord account right after a member was banned.
Using a brand new Github account
This Git name is simmilar to the banned member.
${IS_BROWSER ? "bg-red-500" : "bg-[#86efac]"} ...
I have fixed it.
But that is not good.
Idk what you are trying to do?
It will not run that code on the browser.
I believe.
So IS_BROWSER is useless.because the components are statically generated serverside, I belive it would always be red when you see it
here's the example the docs uses

I've been trying my best to follow this situation, but you haven't provided any meaningful code or use case
The XY Problem
Asking about your attempted solution rather than your actual problem
It will be red, but it will be red on the server.
So the other stuff is useless.
+ my problem is fixed mostly.
I have another problem where KV is acting very weirdly, but that is different.
Fresh uses a lot of requests lol.