Impossible to use `"jsx": "preserve"` in deno.json...
Well it seems that I can't use jsx preserve in deno.json, when I try to run any tasks in deno.json, I get the following error:
I use Solid-JS in my project, how should I proceed ?
4 Replies
preserve would make no sense in Deno, as it needs to compile to JS that can run in its v8 engine
So how I suppose to work with SolidJs ?
if SolidJs is a client-side framework then the config would be for the bundling of client-side JS, deno would only be used to run the build tools, it wouldn't compile the actual JSX, for example if you used esbuild to bundle the jsx, the preserve config need to be in the esbuild config. If it's a server-side framework it may need specific support for deno. There are a few Deno related discussions over in the SolidJS project...
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Well I'm building an SPA with Vitejs actually, so it seems that it would cause no problem, thx for your answer 🙂