.s._.b11mo ago

Does Deno NPM support other registries like github npm registry?

Does Deno NPM support other registeries like github and if so, does it support private registeries?
7 Replies
ryanponce11mo ago
Yes it does support private modules. You can see an example of using GitHub private modules here. https://deno.land/manual@v1.36.4/basics/modules/private#github
Private Modules | Manual | Deno
There may be instances where you want to load a remote module that is located in a private repository, like a private repository on GitHub.
.s._.b11mo ago
I mean being able to use https://npm.pkg.github.com for npm packages rather than https://registry.npmjs.org/
GitHub Packages: Your packages, at home with their code
With GitHub Packages you can safely publish and consume packages within your organization or with the entire world.
bartlomieju11mo ago
The standard NPM_REGISTRY env var should work
.s._.b10mo ago
Hi @.bartlomieju , thank you for the information. adapting the NPM_CONFIG_REGISTRY var works however i now have an authenication issues similer to these two issues https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/19900 https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/20195
DENO_AUTH_TOKENS does not authenticate against npm.pkg.github.com ·...
Hi, I'm doing a POC to see if our company can start replacing node with deno. I have a private npm package in npm.pkg.github.com that I'm trying to import. I'm trying to run a single-li...
Fetching from Private NPM Repo Doesn't Work/Misleading User Feedbac...
When I try to pull down a repo from my org's private NPM repository with the following command: NPM_CONFIG_REGISTRY="https://ghe.myorg.com/_registry/npm/@myorg/package" DENO_AUTH_TOKE...
.s._.b10mo ago
https://github.com/denoland/manual/pull/483 looking at this pull, it doesnt seem it is supported?
Add NPM_CONFIG_REGISTRY to environment docs by NickTomlin · Pull ...
Related to: denoland/deno#16105 I think there is probably more work to do to flesh out support for private registries (e.g would be great to formalize things like auth configuration) but this at le...
bartlomieju10mo ago
Ouch, i didn't know that. @dsherret can this be solved easily?
.s._.b10mo ago
@dsherret any thoughts?