TypeError: str.split is not a function

Hey Gang. Im following along this tutorial: https://deno.com/blog/build-a-blog-with-fresh But I am running into some major issues. In the last step it tells me to use gfm (https://deno.land/x/gfm/mod.ts) to get the rendering markdown functioning. Like this:
import { PageProps } from "$fresh/server.ts";
import { getPost, Post } from "../../../server/post/post.ts";
import { Head } from "$fresh/runtime.ts";
import { CSS, render } from "$gfm";
export default function BlogEntry(props: PageProps & { data: Post }) {
console.log("blog entry", props.data);
return (
<style dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: CSS }} />
// ...
class="mt-8 markdown-body"
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: render(props.data) }}
import { PageProps } from "$fresh/server.ts";
import { getPost, Post } from "../../../server/post/post.ts";
import { Head } from "$fresh/runtime.ts";
import { CSS, render } from "$gfm";
export default function BlogEntry(props: PageProps & { data: Post }) {
console.log("blog entry", props.data);
return (
<style dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: CSS }} />
// ...
class="mt-8 markdown-body"
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: render(props.data) }}
But whenever I try to use this, I end up throwing this error:
TypeError: str.split is not a function
at emojify (https://deno.land/x/emoji@0.3.0/emoji.ts:134:6)
at render (https://deno.land/x/gfm@0.2.5/mod.ts:109:14)
at Object.BlogEntry (file:///home/paul/git/project/routes/blog/[slug]/index.tsx:15:44)
TypeError: str.split is not a function
at emojify (https://deno.land/x/emoji@0.3.0/emoji.ts:134:6)
at render (https://deno.land/x/gfm@0.2.5/mod.ts:109:14)
at Object.BlogEntry (file:///home/paul/git/project/routes/blog/[slug]/index.tsx:15:44)
I dont know if there's an issue with emojify, or if I have forgotten to use some standard library? It seems that string should have split(). By deno.json:
"imports": {
"$fresh/": "https://deno.land/x/fresh@1.4.2/",
"preact": "https://esm.sh/preact@10.15.1",
"preact/": "https://esm.sh/preact@10.15.1/",
"$std/": "https://deno.land/std@0.198.0/",
"preact-render-to-string": "https://esm.sh/*preact-render-to-string@6.2.1",
"$gfm": "https://deno.land/x/gfm/mod.ts",
"@preact/signals": "https://esm.sh/*@preact/signals@1.1.3",
"@preact/signals-core": "https://esm.sh/*@preact/signals-core@1.2.3"
"imports": {
"$fresh/": "https://deno.land/x/fresh@1.4.2/",
"preact": "https://esm.sh/preact@10.15.1",
"preact/": "https://esm.sh/preact@10.15.1/",
"$std/": "https://deno.land/std@0.198.0/",
"preact-render-to-string": "https://esm.sh/*preact-render-to-string@6.2.1",
"$gfm": "https://deno.land/x/gfm/mod.ts",
"@preact/signals": "https://esm.sh/*@preact/signals@1.1.3",
"@preact/signals-core": "https://esm.sh/*@preact/signals-core@1.2.3"
Deno Blog
How to Build a Blog with Fresh
Create a simple blog with Fresh in minutes.
1 Reply
sendcookiesplzOP2y ago
Nevermind, I figured it out. Turned out that I was passing in props.data which is wrong, as its an object, not a string. What I had to do was props.data.content. I think IntelliJ needs better Deno integration..

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