TheBejbiborn2y ago

Declaration merging for external packages

Hi! I'm using unoCSS with Deno Fresh and have been attempting to use the attributify preset ( However for the type inference to work this preset requires to override preact's JSXInternal namespace declaration (which I think is quite a popular pattern with frontend / fullstack frameworks) and I can't quite get how to do it in Deno (and if it's even possible). Tl;DR How can one do the following in Deno?
declare module 'preact' {
namespace JSX {
interface HTMLAttributes extends AttributifyAttributes {}
declare module 'preact' {
namespace JSX {
interface HTMLAttributes extends AttributifyAttributes {}
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4 Replies
marvinh.2y ago
Do you have a repo to play with? Would love to take a look
TheBejbibornOP2y ago
I'm not sure if there is a need for any particular setup / repo to test this. It's not even that strictly related to Fresh, I think it's a generic topic (declaration merging with namespaces declared by external packages). I think you can start a new empty Fresh project with deno run -A -r and just try to override preact's JSXInternal namespace with anything.
marvinh.2y ago
I've had the need to add new attributes to DOM elements in JSX in this PR Does that work with uno? (haven't used uno in the past, so no idea)
TheBejbibornOP2y ago
That works actually! Thanks! Leaving the snippet for anybody who finds this thread:
declare global {
namespace preact.createElement.JSX {
// deno-lint-ignore no-empty-interface
interface HTMLAttributes extends AttributifyAttributes {}
declare global {
namespace preact.createElement.JSX {
// deno-lint-ignore no-empty-interface
interface HTMLAttributes extends AttributifyAttributes {}
I keep this in my uno.config.ts for convenience. To make this thread more generic for module augumentation (not strictly preact / deno fresh) could you explain how did you get to the preact.createElement.JSX? (for anybody looking for the module augumentation typescript docs:

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