foenyx12mo ago

Sub hosting SAAS app

What technologies are behind the Deno Deploy feature, where you can set up your own domain name? I have an application like the person in this post, but I'd like to avoid using Cloudflare for SaaS. I was wondering what solution Deno Deploy uses, if it's not confidential?
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5 Replies
iwps12mo ago
Google Cloud
Cloud DNS  |  Google Cloud
Reliable, low-latency, authoritative DNS serving. Create DNS records with a CLI, or program against a REST API to customize the service to your needs.
iwps12mo ago
since their * are under google domains
iwps12mo ago
yea they do use google cloud dns service
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foenyx12mo ago
Hum, could be interresting, Thanks for replies, will check
foenyx12mo ago
Google Cloud Blog
Simplify SaaS scale TLS certificate management | Google Cloud Blog
Cloud Certificate Manager lets our users acquire and manage TLS certificates for use with Cloud Load Balancing.