progrium13mo ago

TypeScript compiler type declarations

I'm using import ts from "npm:typescript" to work with the TypeScript compiler, but how do I get type information?
5 Replies
progrium13mo ago
VSCode is telling me "Cannot find module 'npm:typescript' or its corresponding type declarations."
NDH13mo ago
Typescript is Built-In to VS Code! you don't need to import it! If you truly want to use Typescript rather than Deno-Typescript, you'll need to add a tsconfig.json file. Read about that on the Typescript site, not VS Code site.
progrium13mo ago
Not sure I follow. I'm using the typescript package to do my own AST parsing of TS code for static analysis. But the package seemingly has no API docs, so autocomplete would be reaaaallly nice, but I'm not getting anything from the above import
NDH13mo ago
My misunderstanding. I'm not familiar with npm:typescript -- sorry!
progrium13mo ago
thanks tho! ugh, deno just wasn't enabled for the workspace