14 Replies
I want to use a npm module which is not on npm (https://github.com/ZJONSSON/node-unzipper/blob/341f258 )
I tried , but it did not work:
I guess that I need to make deno recognize it's a npm module, but i don't know how to.
Unzip cross-platform streaming API . Latest version: 0.10.11, last published: 3 years ago. Start using unzipper in your project by running
npm i unzipper
. There are 1073 other projects in the npm registry using unzipper.yes, but I want to use unreleased version
publish latest version? · Issue #256 · ZJONSSON/node-unzipper
package.json is on 0.10.13 but the last publish to NPM was 2yrs ago (0.10.11) - can you publish the latest to NPM?
Hm. Not sure if this is possible with the current setup, definitely interesting. What is your usecase? Would https://deno.land/x/zip not work for what you're trying to do?
It didn't.
What are you trying to do?
this package didn't work
is not just one standard. Where are these zips coming from? A lot of "streamable unzip" libraries cannot work the way they are advertised because some zip formats are not streamably unzippable.
Is there a reason you need the unreleased version? Does importing the one on npm work right now?Yes, npm latest doesn't support zip64, but unreleased one does
I didn't know this, i'll try it

thanks, it worked
How to import npm module from github?The answer is "impossible"?