elekramβ€’17mo ago

Deno Third Party Modules Web Hooks

Is there a way to see the webhook payload URL a package you have published is listening for?
10 Replies
ioBβ€’17mo ago
Sorry, could you clarify? a package should not be listening for a webhook? I may misunderstand the question
elekramβ€’17mo ago
I've ended up with a package I've published on deno.land/x appearing multiple times The last update I pushed has appeared as a new package
ioBβ€’17mo ago
In GitHub, your repository should have a webhook pointed at api.deno.land. It should have the following format: https://api.deno.land/webhook/gh/module_name
elekramβ€’17mo ago
That's what it has
ioBβ€’17mo ago
if you changed the module_name at the end of the webhook link, it would publish to a different module
elekramβ€’17mo ago
Okay, that's what has happened And what I figured
ioBβ€’17mo ago
elekramβ€’17mo ago
How long approximately does a change take to hit Deno's site?
ioBβ€’17mo ago
should be pretty much instantaneous if it’s not, please email them there is a known caching issue atm https://discord.com/channels/684898665143206084/989436517518802945/1085256627403358299
elekramβ€’17mo ago
Interesting. It still hasn't appeared
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