rnbguy2y ago

Islands not working with Cloudflare DNS proxy

I have deployed Deno on a remote server with nginx-ingress-controller that offers self-signed certificate. If I connect to the server directly everything works fine (Cloudflare DNS without proxy). But if I turn on Cloudflare DNS proxy (Full SSL/TLS - Encrypts end-to-end, using a self signed certificate on the server), the islands codes don't run. I doubled checked the same setup on a local server with Caddy. I get the same result - islands not being run on browser. Am I missing something?
1 Reply
rnbguy2y ago
Here are links to my website, https://tla.rnbguy.at - with Cloudflare proxy with Full TLS/SSL https://6ts57v4cvdd79cs4m5d3e3nv0o.ingress.dcnorse.ddns.net - self-signed cert without Cloudflare proxy I have a feeling, this might be because of Cloudflare caching. but don't really know how to go on about it.