Mqx2y ago

Deno stopps at

I am currently working on a way to communicate with a COM device. I can successfully open and read from the COM port. The only problem is, is there is no data on the COM port Deno pauses at that point in the code because the Promise gets neither resolved or rejected. Here is the link to the Stackoverflow problem.
Stack Overflow
Abort Promise after delay in Deno
I am currently trying to open a COM port with Deno. This works so far and I can read the data with The only problem now is that if there is no more data in the COM port and I try...
16 Replies
Mqx2y ago
Hope someone can help 👍🏻
AapoAlas2y ago
setTimeout and call close on your COM instance to close the read.
Mqx2y ago
I tried that and it does not work…
AapoAlas2y ago
You can also do a await Promise.race([, new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, TIMEOUT_MS))]) in the read method to internally include a timeout. I can't remember if the read API supports it but if it does then AbortSignal is a "native" way to cancel an ongoing promise.
Mqx2y ago
Yes ChatGPT also suggested that 😅 only problem is that the program does not close because there are this one pending promise The AbortSignal only works on readTextFile() method has no abortSignal
AapoAlas2y ago
Hmm, does it not close even if you call the close() on it afterwards? I guess the readable stream API might offer what you need, though I don't know how much you need the "read n chars" API you have for COM right now. Note though that does not guarantee that the buffer is "filled". It returns the number of bytes actually read.
Mqx2y ago
A readable stream does not work because the COM ports are some how different
AapoAlas2y ago
There is also some internal API at least for unref'ing a Promise, ie. telling Deno that you do not care about a given Promise resolving or not anymore...
Mqx2y ago
AapoAlas2y ago
Possibly Deno[Deno.internal].unrefPromise
Mqx2y ago
I hope that they add a serial API in the future… Okay
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Mqx2y ago
Nope 😅 I have written with djDev (creator of deno_seial) library and he fixed some parts. But set main branch still does not work. The library he created is awesome, but you need to use a sub branch that is not listed. The branch is als unstable. I am just @ˋMqxxˋ on GitHub
AapoAlas2y ago
What sort of fixes did you make?
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Mqx2y ago
I did no fixes