Phatso•2y ago

Import from variable path?

Howdy - I'm trying to make my Cloudflare Workers app self-hostable in a Docker Container. To do this, I'm going to run it with Deno when self-hosting. Ideally I would like to change none of my actual application code and defer any environment-specific setup to different files. i.e.:
- index.js
- selfhost.js
- cloudflare.js
- index.js
- selfhost.js
- cloudflare.js
And then:
// index.js
import { app, serve } from (isSelfHost ? "./selfhost.js" : "./cloudflare.js")
// index.js
import { app, serve } from (isSelfHost ? "./selfhost.js" : "./cloudflare.js")
I know this doesn't work, so my question is how do I achieve something like this? Ultimately the problem is I can't be requiring Deno packages in cloudflare workers or vice versa.
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Unknown User•2y ago
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Phatso•2y ago
Amazing, thank you! Unfortunately Cloudflare doesn't like it (top-level imports) But I was able to rework my setup. My new structure is like:
- index.js
- setup_app.js
- docker/
- selfhost.js
- index.js
- setup_app.js
- docker/
- selfhost.js
// index.js
import { app, serve } from "./setup_app.js"
// index.js
import { app, serve } from "./setup_app.js"
And then in my Dockerfile
COPY ./index.js /app/index.js
COPY ./docker/selfhost.js /app/setup_app.js
COPY ./index.js /app/index.js
COPY ./docker/selfhost.js /app/setup_app.js
So basically I just make the files behave the same way, but stub the setup_app.js with my selfhost.js in the container itself. I imagine there's a more elegant way to do this with esbuild or something but I'm just relieved to be done with it 😅