dan.the.discloser•2y ago

What the prefered way to use REACT in deno

Is alephjs my best choice?
33 Replies
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KyleJune•2y ago
I use esbuild to generate my bundles.
dan.the.discloser•2y ago
??why esbuild rather than deno build?? preact looks like a react alternatives. still the same questions of what to use around it
KyleJune•2y ago
Deno build isn't as configurable. I believe they plan on deprecating it. The esbuild deno loader is used by the deno company and maintained by one of their employees. https://deno.land/x/esbuild_deno_loader@0.6.0
cdoremus•2y ago
Ultra is a good choice: https://ultrajs.dev
Ultra: The Quest for Zero-Legacy
Hypermodern Zero-Legacy Deno/React Framework
dan.the.discloser•2y ago
not much documentation, but lots of example files 1) Running many examples I get
assertion failed [block != nullptr]: BasicBlock requested for unrecognized address
(BuilderBase.h:550 block_for_offset)
assertion failed [block != nullptr]: BasicBlock requested for unrecognized address
(BuilderBase.h:550 block_for_offset)
I don't know what it means or what to do about it. 2) client.tsx and server.tsx both point to the same App. Why is it in both places?
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dan.the.discloser•2y ago
Thank you. 1) What does the stuff about "hydrateRoot" mean? 2) Where/how do find the documentation? 3) If App is my root, how does it get shoot? 4) Where do I put /** @jsx React.createElement */ -- I don't recognize the syntax
function App() {
return (
<button onClick={shoot}>Take the shot!</button>

const shoot = () => {
alert("Great Shot!");
function App() {
return (
<button onClick={shoot}>Take the shot!</button>

const shoot = () => {
alert("Great Shot!");
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cdoremus•2y ago
Try running the dev command line with the --reload option. It is best to ask questions like this in the, Ultra discord: https://discord.gg/XDC5WxGHb2
dan.the.discloser•2y ago
thank you 3) what do I do to get in included? Does something like "build" handle that?
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dan.the.discloser•2y ago
Deno build is crashing on me running on example code from Ultra, Aleph, etc. How do I use esbuild_deno_loader instead?
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KyleJune•2y ago
The Readme has an example script. Then you would just run that script with deno.