Pixelā€¢2y ago

error Unsupported scheme node for module `nodemodule`. Supported schemes

I'm trying to import a module using:
import { example } from "npm:example";
import { example } from "npm:example";
Inside example, there's this line:
import something from "module";
import something from "module";
I get this error on that very line:
error: Unsupported scheme "node" for module "node:module". Supported schemes: [
error: Unsupported scheme "node" for module "node:module". Supported schemes: [
15 Replies
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Pixelā€¢2y ago
Sure, will do
Found latest version cc3e2b9b1a7ccd6c671bc0b3813cf7e2b0d88b5c
Checking https://dl.deno.land/canary/cc3e2b9b1a7ccd6c671bc0b3813cf7e2b0d88b5c/deno-aarch64-apple-darwin.zip
Download could not be found, aborting
Found latest version cc3e2b9b1a7ccd6c671bc0b3813cf7e2b0d88b5c
Checking https://dl.deno.land/canary/cc3e2b9b1a7ccd6c671bc0b3813cf7e2b0d88b5c/deno-aarch64-apple-darwin.zip
Download could not be found, aborting
šŸ˜„ Love that That's so weird. The correct URL: https://dl.deno.land/canary/cc3e2b9b1a7ccd6c671bc0b3813cf7e2b0d88b5c/deno-x86_64-apple-darwin.zip It got thr wrong URL. I ran deno --upgrade canary
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Unknown Userā€¢2y ago
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bartlomiejuā€¢2y ago
that should work, if you can reproduce this reliably, please open an issue
Pixelā€¢2y ago
Opened https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/16221 - I'm not sure about reproduce- but on my machine it's always the case no matter where I run it from Thank you for the suggestion
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Unknown Userā€¢2y ago
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Pixelā€¢2y ago
Ohh That's strange, but I'll switch to Codespaces and carry on
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Unknown Userā€¢2y ago
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Pixelā€¢2y ago
ok on Canary, same thing I'm afraid So it seems reproducable: the file to run just has contents import "npm:assemblyscript/asc"; This doesn't work in the repl because afaik repl has no npm: atm
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Unknown Userā€¢2y ago
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Pixelā€¢2y ago
Wrote up a nice issue and a single command to reproduce the problem https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/16223
error: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Unsupported scheme "node" f...
Single step to reproduce Run this command: echo "import 'npm:assemblyscript/asc';" >> test.js && deno run --unstable -A test.js Error...
Pixelā€¢2y ago
:) Ty for the attention I've used arch too btw but it came with no wifi drivers and I couldn't download them due to no wifi Looks like the canary issue will result in a more informative error for M1 users- so we hopefully have two useful issues out of this
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Unknown Userā€¢2y ago
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Pixelā€¢2y ago
Ah, nice, I'll edit that in Could you comment that in issue? to let Deno team know it's more reproducable
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Unknown Userā€¢2y ago
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