17 Replies
This is what you’re looking for: https://muffinman.io/blog/uploading-files-using-fetch-multipart-form-data/
You can always type the same in google, you’ll get an answer 100%
I tried some stuff and did not get it to work so I asked. Might come back.
Alright sure, but with such easy queries at least try lol. Mdn is a great place to start
Alright so got it to work.
What if I want to send more files at once though. 🤔
should be possible somehow
more files in the same form field?
what does the server expect?
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oh, then I guess
Unknown User•3y ago
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filesystem based blobs are not supported, but you can read the files into memory
that's only an issue if the files are huge
Unknown User•3y ago
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For my use case it will just be long strings converted to Blobs so I should be fine with that.
if the server is expecting files, they might need a filename and a mime type
but if you're building the blobs yourself, ok
Unknown User•3y ago
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well, if you don't specify the mime type it gets set to the empty string
because multipart/form-data file fields must have a mime type header
but anyway
got it to work. Thanks for the help 👍