Siilwyn•2y ago

Import local typescript file so both Deno (LSP) and TS work?

Seems like Deno wants the import to end with .ts while TS wants no file extension. Is there any way to change either of them to accept the other?
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Siilwyn•2y ago
Hmm that's an idea 💡 , do you know of a tool that does this? Wonder if hundreds of local files would slow down the resolution too... Want this so I can use Deno's LSP, because I have it installed and setup already with my editor Helix. While other developers in my team use VSCode and thus TSC.
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Siilwyn•2y ago
Oh that's an interesting project but sadly can't use it in this case / force others to use it No, because I don't use VSCode this isn't applicable right?
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Siilwyn•2y ago
Not really what I'm looking for 🤔 sadly Guess the answer is "no" in that case, unless I can generate an import map for all local files?
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Unknown User•2y ago
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Siilwyn•2y ago
Project code is setup for Node. But I'm using an editor with the Deno LSP
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Siilwyn•2y ago
Because I already have a decent JS/TS server installed imo I get what you mean and why it's a "bad idea"
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Unknown User•2y ago
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Siilwyn•2y ago
but it's just a lot nicer to install the LSP with cargo and be done
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Unknown User•2y ago
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Siilwyn•2y ago
yeah the project doesn't contain those so no problem
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