Swifter•2y ago

Intellisense on an import not working, works for friend

I cannot for the life of me get import * as bsdeno from "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KivalEvan/BeatSaber-Deno/main/types/beatmap/v3/mod.ts" to have intellisense. I try typing const b: bsdeno. and nothing shows up. I tried restarting TS and deno language servers, tried restarting VSC, tried updating deno, and restarting my computer. No dice.. my friend is using the exact same import and intellisense is working fine.
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Unknown User
Unknown User•2y ago
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Swifter•2y ago
yeah I did try that, forgot to mention but I did it anyways again just now and restarted didn't work
Unknown User
Unknown User•2y ago
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Swifter•2y ago
Unknown User
Unknown User•2y ago
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Swifter•2y ago
yeah this seems like a particularly strange situation only thing I can think of is I pasted and cached the non raw github link for this once by accident if there's a way to somehow clear the VSC cache for deno or something, that might be the ticket