Óscar2y ago

Dynamic npm imports don't work

Hey there. It looks like dynamic imports don't work with npm specifiers. For example:
await import("npm:react")
Uncaught TypeError: Loading unprepared module: npm:react
at async <anonymous>:2:1
await import("npm:react")
Uncaught TypeError: Loading unprepared module: npm:react
at async <anonymous>:2:1
I din't see anything in the npm roadmap (https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/15960) so I wonder if this is planned.
npm specifiers roadmap · Issue #15960 · denoland/deno
Typescript support LSP Figure out how to have node globals not conflict with deno globals (will probably add a prefix to all node globals, but I&#39;m sure we will discover some fun issues) @de...
3 Replies
bartlomieju2y ago
Yes, it's a bug. Please open an issue
bartlomieju2y ago